Emotional Quotient in the Context of Work Life and Leadership
  • November 11 2022
  • - 3 min read

Emotional Quotient in the Context of Work Life and Leadership

  • November 11 2022
  • - 3 min read

Gary Yukl, known for his research in the field of personal development, society and leadership, said: "Self-knowledge makes it easier to understand one's own needs and possible reactions in the event of certain events and to evaluate alternative solutions."it actually expresses the way we position  Emotional Quotient in our social life. So what is  Emotional Quotient ? Do we meet him in business life? The basis of many articles written on leadership is the ability to manage oneself. The foundation of this also starts with awareness. Since managers who are aware of their own behavior will also better understand the team's well-being, development and sense of self, in fact, emotional quotiant skills are one of the most important leadership qualities. Success adorns our dreams yes, but is success only about getting high grades in school? Now we know that this is not the case, because only 20% of the total success in life is related to IQ, that is, academic intelligence as we know it. When we look at business life, emotional quotient  is in a very important area in connection with leadership. In other words, the decision mechanism of our competence to be a manager or leader is our emotional intelligence. This concept emerges as the cornerstone of communication, especially in teamwork and team management, where communication occupies a very critical place. In addition, mutual understanding of feelings and thoughts and the formation of a bond in this way is also very important between the manager and employees.


The main components of EQ are self-confidence, self-consciousness, empathy, self-control and relationship management, which we are familiar with; in fact, we often encounter them in our social life. In particular, the subject of empathy plays a vital role in business life as well as in social life. According to Goleman, people who can motivate themselves, are successful in social skills, have strong empathy and control their instinctive emotions are people with high emotional quotient. In other words, EQ is interested in how we are positioned in the team, how we manage ourselves and the team. In other words, we can say that the establishment and management of a team or the advancement of a harmonious work with this team is a product of our emotional quotient. The need for EQ is actually increasing in connection with the increase in the number of managed teams or the increase in complex business processes. In addition, it is a concept that comes across today as one of the terms associated with the increasing level of well-being. In other words, rates such as high crime rates and low empathy in society are at lower levels in societies that talk about emotional quotient. We can say that we are familiar with the difficulties experienced in expressing emotions, especially in the hectic life order brought about by the modern age.

Individuals who are defined as having high emotional intelligence in business life are defined as qualified leaders who are open to development and aware of their strengths, who can take action accordingly by foreseeing the possible future in crisis moments. However, being aware of human emotions, especially in business life, effective communication, motivation, judgment, empathy emotional quotient in business by actively using pragmatic individuals with characteristics such as an individual's scientific research, according to brings success in this business more than 43. Again, in today's most accurate role and human resource matching processes, in other words, emotional quotient awareness lies at the basis of recruitment. EQ is very important and critical in recruitment processes. Because empathy, self-awareness and communication are the cornerstones of business life, and these concepts are the cornerstones of the concept of emotional quotient. In summary, emotions occupy an important place in social life and business life and are associated with issues such as employee loyalty, motivation, productivity. In this case, manageable emotions have also become a touchstone in creating strong and efficient organizations...