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Importance of Feedback

As in personal life, ups and downs in motivation are often seen in business life. This situation, like the domino effect, causes the person to enter a changeable mood in every aspect of his life. Feedback is the most important step in communication and serves as a guide for both the person and the institution he/she works with. The purpose of giving is to play a key role in a person's development. The feedback that the person receives from his/her experiences is very important for his/her development. Correctly given feedback leads to a proportional increase in the performance and motivation of the person. Feedback is a kind of personal development tool. The formats are very important. It is healthier for feedback to be detail-oriented and descriptive. People have certain blind spots. Although we try to minimize the blind spots by self-criticism, we are applying the method of sweeping under the carpet. The blind spot cannot be observed by the person himself, but it can be easily noticed by a different eye. Feedback does not play an important role in recognizing people's blind spots. One of the most important points that Human Resources attaches importance to is performance management. Employee happiness is an important step for organizational success. The most sensitive point of performance management is feedback. Performance management is a sensitive issue as much as it is important. It is an important factor for both the company and the individual to manage the necessary processes with the right steps by ensuring sensitivity between the managers and employees and giving feedback. It increases the loyalty of the person to the company and provides a safe environment. The person does not have any difficulties in expressing himself, and in line with the feedback he receives, it causes both an increase in internal loyalty and a great increase in productivity. The person is not afraid of making mistakes, and it is seen that there is an increase in teamwork in terms of cooperation. Feedback is a kind of win-win method between the company and the employee. It encourages the person to think logically and learning from the current situation is a big factor in his development. It should be kept in mind that insufficient feedback does more harm than good and can have long-term negative consequences for the employee to the company. Effective feedback is an essential part of good communication, and when used correctly, success is inevitable.

Importance of Feedback
Leadership in a New Era

As there is a new perspective in every field due to many reasons such as the developing world, Covid-19, generational differences, and economic uncertainties, the concept and content of leadership also changes. So, how can leaders be successful in this new era in business life? "CEOs need keep an open mind so they can adapt to a rapidly changing world and need to bring an abundant dose of emotional intelligence to the job." These words of Indra Nooye, who worked at PepsiCo for 24 years, are like a brief summary of leadership in the new era. Leaders should be able to adapt to the ever-changing conditions in a short time; they should always question themselves and the environment, and be open to innovations and opinions, by succeeding in leaving their titles aside when appropriate. While factors such as education, experience, age were sufficient to be respected and accepted by leadership in the past, it seems that these alone are not enough for new generations. It seems that the type of leadership that is authoritarian, ordered, oppressive, closed to outside ideas, and where ideas are evaluated by title, is quite a thing of the past. It is very important for leaders to understand the expectations of their team, to know them, to direct their competencies correctly and to pave the way by presenting a concrete target for the future. In addition, considering the expectations of the employees, leaders who can train new leaders instead of being afraid of competition will make a big difference. According to research, modern leaders should be transparent, honest and good communicators. In the past, leaders who communicate over distances are being replaced by reachable leaders. Leaders should be able to achieve an atmosphere of trust and honesty by sharing their feelings and concerns from time to time. Leaders who share information transparently make employees feel important, facilitate meeting a common goal, and achieve a stronger team spirit. Peter Drucker said, “The leader of the past was a person who knew how to tell. The leader of the future will be a person who knows how to ask.” is a key point of view for the new era leadership. Today and in the past, leaders are expected to have a high level of eloquence. But now, leaders who only talk and express long opinions on every subject are replaced by leaders who are able to ask questions and listen. It is observed that performance and efficiency increase with the correct answers given to the correct questions asked in order to see the problem and produce the solution. Learning the techniques of asking questions is of great importance for modern leaders. Although it will take time and even painful to move away from the traditional mentality and adapt to modern leadership, it is a necessity for today's business world to keep up with modern perspectives. Companies that support traditional leadership, on the other hand, seem to lag behind companies that promote modern leadership.

Leadership in a New Era
Emotional Quotient in the Context of Work Life and Leadership

Gary Yukl, known for his research in the field of personal development, society and leadership, said: "Self-knowledge makes it easier to understand one's own needs and possible reactions in the event of certain events and to evaluate alternative solutions."it actually expresses the way we position  Emotional Quotient in our social life. So what is  Emotional Quotient ? Do we meet him in business life? The basis of many articles written on leadership is the ability to manage oneself. The foundation of this also starts with awareness. Since managers who are aware of their own behavior will also better understand the team's well-being, development and sense of self, in fact, emotional quotiant skills are one of the most important leadership qualities. Success adorns our dreams yes, but is success only about getting high grades in school? Now we know that this is not the case, because only 20% of the total success in life is related to IQ, that is, academic intelligence as we know it. When we look at business life, emotional quotient  is in a very important area in connection with leadership. In other words, the decision mechanism of our competence to be a manager or leader is our emotional intelligence. This concept emerges as the cornerstone of communication, especially in teamwork and team management, where communication occupies a very critical place. In addition, mutual understanding of feelings and thoughts and the formation of a bond in this way is also very important between the manager and employees.   The main components of EQ are self-confidence, self-consciousness, empathy, self-control and relationship management, which we are familiar with; in fact, we often encounter them in our social life. In particular, the subject of empathy plays a vital role in business life as well as in social life. According to Goleman, people who can motivate themselves, are successful in social skills, have strong empathy and control their instinctive emotions are people with high emotional quotient. In other words, EQ is interested in how we are positioned in the team, how we manage ourselves and the team. In other words, we can say that the establishment and management of a team or the advancement of a harmonious work with this team is a product of our emotional quotient. The need for EQ is actually increasing in connection with the increase in the number of managed teams or the increase in complex business processes. In addition, it is a concept that comes across today as one of the terms associated with the increasing level of well-being. In other words, rates such as high crime rates and low empathy in society are at lower levels in societies that talk about emotional quotient. We can say that we are familiar with the difficulties experienced in expressing emotions, especially in the hectic life order brought about by the modern age. Individuals who are defined as having high emotional intelligence in business life are defined as qualified leaders who are open to development and aware of their strengths, who can take action accordingly by foreseeing the possible future in crisis moments. However, being aware of human emotions, especially in business life, effective communication, motivation, judgment, empathy emotional quotient in business by actively using pragmatic individuals with characteristics such as an individual's scientific research, according to brings success in this business more than 43. Again, in today's most accurate role and human resource matching processes, in other words, emotional quotient awareness lies at the basis of recruitment. EQ is very important and critical in recruitment processes. Because empathy, self-awareness and communication are the cornerstones of business life, and these concepts are the cornerstones of the concept of emotional quotient. In summary, emotions occupy an important place in social life and business life and are associated with issues such as employee loyalty, motivation, productivity. In this case, manageable emotions have also become a touchstone in creating strong and efficient organizations...

Emotional Quotient in the Context of Work Life and Leadership

Work-Life balance describes the division of one's time and focus between work, family, and leisure activities. This phrase actually states that individuals should establish the ideal balance between their personal and professional lives. According to some of us, although the importance of maintaining this balance in terms of mental and physical health is advocated, for some of us, work and private life should not be considered separately from each other and this balance concept is a wrong idea. Developing and changing social consciousness tells us that being happy means working more and being more present in business life. But research emphasizes that being happy comes from determining the balance between work and private life with clear lines. Because people are happier when they have enough time and support for their personal lives as well as their careers. So, what kind of positive effects do we get when work-life balance is achieved? As we mentioned above, the most obvious effects are the capture of physical and mental health. For physical health, activities such as doing sports as much as possible and running in the forest will help you relax mentally while keeping the body vigorous. You will discharge yourself with social activities and thus you will get different perspectives. This will directly enable you to be more productive in your business life. A good work-life balance is not limited to just giving importance to work and family. It is also about giving importance to what one likes to do on a personal level. Having a hobby encourages an employee to take time for himself. Having a hobby helps employees find time to themselves, even in their busy schedules. If an employee has a stable work-life balance, they will be much happier and more productive at work. Not everyone has a work-life balance in their life. Or we may be faced with factors such as increased responsibilities at work, increased responsibilities at home, marital status, working hours, and the number of dependents that disrupt this balance. Negative experiences and negative emotions experienced by employees in the working environment where they spend most of their time are actually factors that reduce their life satisfaction. Focusing on work-life balance as part of an employee engagement strategy is very effective. Unsuccessful work-life balance is one of the main reasons why employees quit. This affects both employees and employers badly. An employee who is not happy in his job has difficulty in achieving happiness in his daily life. In short, work-life balance is a state of balance in which a person gives equal priority to the demands of one's career and the demands of one's personal life. Of course, there are always difficulties in life and we spend a significant part of our lives working. But in any case, we should take even a small amount of time for ourselves.

Business Life and Satisfaction

Today, we see that business life has a wide variety with the increase in job diversity and the creation of different working environments. How satisfied are we with what we have among so many options? If we look at the concept, job satisfaction means the working hours of the employees and the level of happiness they experience with their jobs outside of these periods. The general level of happiness we encounter when we evaluate our work is the result of feelings, thoughts and behaviors towards their work environment, their work and their colleagues. Job satisfaction is also characterized as the emotional responses of employees to the work environment and work relations. Organizationally, the nature of the job, the existence of career ladders, pay, working conditions, co-worker relations and management have great effects on job satisfaction. Satisfaction in business life, that is, happiness, cannot be achieved only by meeting the needs of the employees, but it is highly related to the level of importance given to the employees. Other factors that employees have are also of great importance on the level of satisfaction. Age, gender, education, status, social environment and personal characteristics determine the level of satisfaction. While it is very important to approach with a realistic point of view when evaluating our job and happiness level, the level of satisfaction we have with our personal life is a product of this reality. It should not be forgotten that the most important component in a workplace is people. The biggest proof of the deterioration of the conditions at work is the low job satisfaction of the people working at the workplace. The outputs of a satisfactory work life are performance, productivity, motivation, success and most importantly life satisfaction. It is obvious that it is a very necessary need to achieve the conditions that satisfy us in our work environments where we spend our time and our day. Making an effort to achieve these conditions is as important as the employer's effort. Making efforts to establish constructive business relationships, conveying needs and wishes directly, solving problems without delay, and most importantly, a solution-oriented approach are golden requirements for job satisfaction.

Business Life and Satisfaction
Harmony Between The Institution And The Employee

One of the most important criteria that recruiters look for in the developing world is compliance. Scientifically, compliance is one of the biggest factors in people's success. The criterion that recruiters give more importance than technical knowledge when considering the candidate is whether there is harmony between the institution and the person. In cases where there is no similarity between the company and the employee, dismissals, and dismissals are frequently observed. We can associate the concept of silent resignation, which we have heard frequently recently, with the incompatibility between the company and the employee. Considering the research, people act in harmony based on the norms and values ​​of the institution they are in. Corporate culture is a kind of indicator of sustainability. Corporate culture emerges as a result of the meeting of its employees in common values ​​and goals over time. As a result, it has an integrative side. Institutions mainly prefer to work with people who will reflect their values. In other words, institutions prefer to work with candidates who are oriented toward their vision and mission. Conflicts arise in situations where the common denominator is not met. Of course, one's goals are also a big factor. It is not healthy for people to prefer random or widely heard institutions and organizations with a kind of enthusiasm. When they start to work with companies that do not match the goals and criteria of the person, decreases are observed in performance, organizational commitment, and organizational behavior. Apart from their personal lives, people should prefer institutions based on their values, based on the criteria they want in their business life. If there is a similarity, a long-lasting bond emerges between the person and the institution. If the similarity disappears, there are differences between institutions and individuals. At the point where the person and the institution meet at the common denominator, the people show an increase in both their mental and business performance. It is observed that the person's commitment to the institution increases ,and his company develops together with the person. Successful organizations and people have common goals and values. This situation brings success on both sides proportionally. I wish you to be a member of the army of happy employees in a job that you agree with at every point and enjoy doing, stay safe!

Harmony Between The Institution And The Employee
The Importance of Positive Energy at Work

It is a fact that the energy we have is transferred to those around us. Just as our positive energies affect our environment, this is also the case for negative energies. A negative employee can spread his negative energy to all his teammates. It is the duty of teammates to help them and try to add them to a positive culture. Having a good day, maybe even a week, actually depends on this. Working with a positive team or people is perhaps one of the things an employee or manager would most want. The formation of a positive culture in the workplace also reduces the turnover rate considerably. Of course, a person who starts the day unhappy may have special reasons. Even his private life, workload, or an event on his way to work in the morning can affect a person's attitudes and movements during the day, and thus the energy of his/her colleagues. No matter how unfortunate he/she has experienced or whatever is bothering him, it is useful to share this situation with his/her teammates, manager, manager or human resources. Pain lessens when shared. The environment's efforts to make you happy and the bonds of friends at work are the biggest helpers in filling the unhappy person with good energy. The support received from the environment is also the reason for the strengthening of the bonds of friends we mentioned. Although going to work may seem very difficult at first, working with a positive team will help you overcome this difficulty in the best way. Although many people may not have the chance to work with a positive, energetic team that enjoys their work, determining the environment in which they work is primarily a matter of one's own mind. Starting the day positive, making colleagues and the environment feel the necessary energy can help shape the environment because of the bonds between people. A happy employee, a happy team, a happy day... All of these are actually interrelated and one cannot exist without the other. To ignite your work with positive energy and to incorporate it into everything you do; It is the easiest solution that can solve the hours of your day, your unfinished business and even your headaches. Although it is like looking for a needle in a haystack in some workplaces, there are also lucky situations such as finding positive teammates, and in some workplaces, the whole team is positive. Solidarity, conversation, company culture, and most importantly, the right form of communication provides this chance. If you can't get along with your teammates, how can you expect them to support each other anyway? How can someone who can't get support get out of the situation they're in? Let's take a look around, see who is unhappy, let's support him/her and create a positive environment. It will be seen later that; You are working with an excellent team that understands, listens and produces solutions in the business life you think is unbearable. You will realize the importance of positive energy in the workplace when you see your colleagues, whom you have seen for days and hours, with a positive energy.

The Importance of Positive Energy at Work
Individual appreciation in business life

Appreciation is an important driving  force that comes across everywhere from daily life to business life, in addition to the dictionary meaning in positive aspects such as liking and valuing as a word meaning. Especially in our workplaces, where we spend a fairly large part of our days, the concept of respect is of great importance. And the appreciation we receive from a person we respect? Many of the studies show that individual appreciation at work does not fall behind being the driving force in the increase in motivation and productivity. Today, the concept of appreciation is still at the top of the encouraging values for employees. Realizing that we are doing a good job increases our motivation to see that our labor is reciprocated, while at the same time making it easier for us to get to work. As companies grow, it has become required for managers to integrate their motivation processes into their appreciation systems by conducting them correctly. Appreciation is a very important position in terms of employee relations and productivity, showing that you devote your time to your employees, that you care about them and that you notice them. For the new generation of individuals, an environment open to education and development, the expectations of being in business environments where marketable skills will be developed are the most important managerial criteria. In other words, employees whose interests are taken into account in workplaces where education and development are given importance, what skills they are willing to develop are taken into account and these data are followed work in a much more motivated way. The transformation of the development opportunities provided to the new generation into skills that will provide greater returns in market conditions also motivates them to do their jobs more efficiently. The expectation of employees is usually that the work they do is appreciated by the person they respect the most before paying high salaries.The positioning of individual appreciation as a priority over salary and promotion is an issue on which consensus is also reached by experts. To be appreciated for the contribution provided and the value created for all business lines is a very great reward and a gift that is valued. We see that appreciation is the most important driving force in showing the highest performance and the best in all the studies conducted. People want to feel that they are making a difference and contributing, and we can say that the most visible way to do this is appreciation. The continuity of communication about performance and success will also provide incentives and drive continuous productivity. The power of appreciation and reward systems, which have no cost, comes across with success rates that cannot be ignored. The fact that the award is simple and creative will make it just as effective. The most important point to highlight is performance. The appreciation of performance in the organization will both pave the way for communication between people and contribute to the creation of role models. Appreciation has a driving and productivity-enhancing power not only for the person being appreciated, but also for the team. From this point of view, the visibility of appreciation is also an important criterion. Wish to motivated business life!

Individual appreciation in business life
Generation Y and Z in business life

Each generation is shaped by the economic, cultural and political climate of the period in which they were born and raised. For this reason, each generation has different characteristics from each other. At this point, it is of great importance to benefit from the different perspectives of generations in business life. Very soon, the majority of the workforce will be made up of generations Y and Z. It would not be wrong to say that it is a necessity to get to know the Y and Z generations closely in order to capture the environment where these two different generations will work together, work directly, efficiently and happily. The birth interval of the Y generation, also known as the Millennial generation, is considered to be the early 80's mid 90's, and the Z generation birth range is considered to be the late 90's and early 2010s. The Y generation are the children of the X generation, who felt the effects of the Second World War intensely in economic, social and cultural terms. Z, on the other hand, is a generation born entirely to the internet and technology, and has never met a world without the internet. Of course, these two generations, who grew up in different conditions, have different aspects as well as similar aspects. Of course, these different perspectives are reflected in their business life in different ways. According to research, the team that Y generation works for, is one of the most important issues in business life. The Y generation, who enjoy teamwork rather than individual work, seems to be inclined to change jobs easily if they think that they are not working with the right people with whom they communicate well. Contrary to this situation, generation Z prefers to work individually. Having their own workspace motivates generation Z. However, a similarity between these two generations is reflected in their business preferences. Flexible working hours are important in business life for these two generations, who are very fond of their freedom. Although the Y generation is associated with the internet and technology, it is not a generation born into technology like the Z generation. For this reason, Generation Z keeps up with technological developments without having difficulties. This generation, born into the digital world, continues to chat in the social environment they are in, while examining a celebrity's Instagram profile on social media, and at the same time, they can follow a series they have opened on Netflix. As in this example, they have the ability and versatility to run multiple jobs at the same time in business life. We can say that this is a feature not seen in any previous generation. However, it is possible to say that this valuable feature brings with it the problem of concentration. Our job is an important part of our lives, so we need motivation to climb the career ladder. According to research, issues such as being appreciated in business life and getting seniority are important for the Y generation. Generation Z makes sense of motivation as a work environment where reward systems, raises and good conditions are offered over wages. While millennials need motivation on more social issues, generation Z wants to be rewarded in every way. Generation X, which currently makes up the majority of the business world, will soon be replaced by Generations Y and Z. With their distinctive and similar features, these two generations will determine the dynamics of the business world in the coming period. Blending these differences and keeping up with the change and turning them into an advantage will shape our future. With different perspectives of different generations, well-thought-out decisions will be made, better quality work will be produced with a diversity of skills, and wider audiences will be understood and addressed.

Generation Y and Z in business life
Alignment of Human Resources and Social Media

Nowadays, with such a development of technology, innovations are taking place in the field of Human Resources, as well as in all areas. The social media medium that most of us use is becoming a business area for Human Resources. Nowadays, due to the influence of generation Z, the use of social networks is at the center of our lives. In this article, we will be talking about how HR and social media are in harmony. It is very possible that Human Resources will carry out all their processes from end to end through social media, and many applications and sites that can be used for this are being found. In order to understand the place of social media in HR processes, we should first talk about what are HR processes. Basically, HR manages all the stages of recruitment and post-entry training, i.e. orientation. Plays an active role in employee satisfaction and performance evaluation procedures. The employee undertakes training and development services depending on his request. In order to make things easier and take quick actions when doing many such tasks, we can say that social media is really an indispensable area. As a matter of fact, social media is not only popular for Human Resources. It is also an area that candidates often use to make it easier for them to find a job. Nowadays, it is quite common to find ads on a popular site used to find and hire a job. In this medium, candidates can reach the right ad thanks to their digital footprints and get the most suitable job opportunity for themselves. At the same time, Human Resources gain convenience in obtaining accurate information about candidates at the recruitment stage. As we mentioned above, the harmony of social media and Human Resources contributes to many processes. It saves time in analyzing the appropriate candidate in the recruitment processes. Although it facilitates the access to quality candidates, it actually improves the brand image of the employer by contributing to the rapid recruitment. This is how we can talk about the benefits of social media for Human Resources. We anticipate that our Technology World will develop further in the field of human resources together with the social network. Don't forget to follow us on social media channels for our current job ads.

Alignment of Human Resources and Social Media
Let's not forget that we work with people!

Hello everyone from a new week, We'd like to talk about some company cultures where remote work is misunderstood. We have had the chance to observe that several companies themselves treat their employees like machines. Having employees with on-off switches and other machine features can provide some benefits. But smart managers know that managing people is more complex, but also more rewarding, than maintaining machines. Let's talk about the disadvantages of robot employees; Machines cannot be expected to be dedicated to a mission, Machines cannot give us feedback, Machines cannot take initiative, Machines cannot exchange ideas among themselves for performance improvement, Machines cannot innovate, solve problems or sell products. As a result, the company culture that you will create without dealing with the human element is useless. The best physical environment and equipment is worthless without the people who keep it running. We must give our employees a sense of personal competence by training them for their jobs and providing them with the opportunity to succeed or fail on their own. Help employees find 'meaning'!

Let's not forget that we work with people!
Are the Rules Changing in Human Resources?

Hello everyone from Peoployed, The year 2020-2021, which will not be remembered well even after many years, is preparing to leave tired administrations and societies behind. He has already convinced everyone that we will feel the impact of these challenging conditions for at least another semester next year. In the context of readiness for similar processes in the future, some strategists emphasize agility instead of making long-term plans during such VUCA-dominated periods, while another section advocates a transition to scenario spaces aimed at addressing every situation within the possibilities. Differences of opinion do not occur only in the field of strategy setting. There are also different opinions about whether the aftermath of the pandemic will result in “a jump and a return to the point where the jump was made” or whether a new balance and order will be established at the peak point reached as a result of the jump. In our opinion, a return to the point where we began to experience the conditions of the pandemic is no longer in question. However, as living and working conditions normalize, there will be a tangible retreat from the peaks reached during the pandemic. In the big picture, the change will continue from a slightly further point. Achieving the right capabilities is a long-term problem area for companies. Of all the functions of Human Resources, it is the most critical and decaying. If you are successful in this sub-function as an organization, you are very likely to continue the subsequent processes of performance, adaptation, development and employee experience with little resources and high efficiency. Of course, there is also the opposite scenario. If it is both difficult and necessary to solve a problem, such as clearing the field, achieving the right skills, this place should be a priority for managers. The new working models that the pandemic conditions have accelerated and expanded the entry into working life have increased the difficulty and necessity of delivering roles that require both expertise and managerial skills to the right employees. Today the level of personal discipline and the threshold high durability, able to offer a high-performance experience in sustainable VUCA conditions, have the confidence to take initiative, work with multiple skill sets that provide individual, as needed, at the forefront of digital tools at peace with candidates and, unfortunately, this global talent pool to the shallow end. Therefore, the competition will be tough. Probably, at no time have administrations worked as closely with Human Resources professionals as they did during the corona virus epidemic and applied for their expertise. Investments in technology and human resources and strategic policies to be managed from a single source and functions of HR and leadership are critical issues alone can decide that it is widely accepted that without BT. Senior management wants to hear from the real owners what the strategies in these areas should be. It should be out of the question to take the use of HR analytics in a value-creating way, especially in determining strategy in organizations, out of the agendas. However, considering the periodic priorities and the fact that the HR world has recently come a long way in this area, we should naturally welcome a significant reduction in the urgency for now. Integrating performance with direct remuneration instead of development, appreciation and reward is neither a very recommendable nor a very acceptable approach. However, the new generation of super jobs, the super abilities that take responsibility for them, the growing dominance of project teams in organizational structures, the fact that they can also work from anywhere, these two functions were included in our agendas under the same topic last year. Innovations in these areas include establishing more flexible, more agile performance and wage systems, switching to OKR-type performance systems that provide instant feedback, frequent and concrete evaluation opportunities, using wide wage bands, and offering income packages where the weight of wages is decimated. The environmental conditions dominated by the pandemic have made it more important and urgent for companies to take steps in these matters. Human Resources should also be provided to the administrations by designing effective employee performance, reward and remuneration systems in the conditions of VUCA. Just as a strategic stakeholder should… With this period, our agendas are even more crowded with issues added to priority lists, from strengthening the sense of trust to digitalization, from restructuring the channels of internal communication to changing leadership competencies. Although the pandemic has not said much new, it has accelerated one of the biggest technology-based transformation and change processes that the business world has experienced over the past decade. He mobilized many administrations that were slowing down the change process, changed the thoughts of leaders who believed that some changes could not take place. Being friendly with such an accelerating process of change and transformation, harmonizing strategies and operations, correctly addressing the unknowns and weaknesses that innovation will create will be the priorities of the business world. The good news from the Peoployed Human Resources point of view is that we will have the opportunity to take on more critical roles in this process than ever before, which will have an impact on employees in all aspects.

Are the Rules Changing in Human Resources?