  • October 27 2022
  • - 2 min read


  • October 27 2022
  • - 2 min read

Work-Life balance describes the division of one's time and focus between work, family, and leisure activities. This phrase actually states that individuals should establish the ideal balance between their personal and professional lives. According to some of us, although the importance of maintaining this balance in terms of mental and physical health is advocated, for some of us, work and private life should not be considered separately from each other and this balance concept is a wrong idea.

Developing and changing social consciousness tells us that being happy means working more and being more present in business life. But research emphasizes that being happy comes from determining the balance between work and private life with clear lines. Because people are happier when they have enough time and support for their personal lives as well as their careers. So, what kind of positive effects do we get when work-life balance is achieved?

As we mentioned above, the most obvious effects are the capture of physical and mental health. For physical health, activities such as doing sports as much as possible and running in the forest will help you relax mentally while keeping the body vigorous. You will discharge yourself with social activities and thus you will get different perspectives. This will directly enable you to be more productive in your business life. A good work-life balance is not limited to just giving importance to work and family. It is also about giving importance to what one likes to do on a personal level. Having a hobby encourages an employee to take time for himself. Having a hobby helps employees find time to themselves, even in their busy schedules. If an employee has a stable work-life balance, they will be much happier and more productive at work.

Not everyone has a work-life balance in their life. Or we may be faced with factors such as increased responsibilities at work, increased responsibilities at home, marital status, working hours, and the number of dependents that disrupt this balance. Negative experiences and negative emotions experienced by employees in the working environment where they spend most of their time are actually factors that reduce their life satisfaction. Focusing on work-life balance as part of an employee engagement strategy is very effective. Unsuccessful work-life balance is one of the main reasons why employees quit. This affects both employees and employers badly. An employee who is not happy in his job has difficulty in achieving happiness in his daily life.

In short, work-life balance is a state of balance in which a person gives equal priority to the demands of one's career and the demands of one's personal life. Of course, there are always difficulties in life and we spend a significant part of our lives working. But in any case, we should take even a small amount of time for ourselves.