As in personal life, ups and downs in motivation are often seen in business life. This situation, like the domino effect, causes the person to enter a changeable mood in every aspect of his life. Feedback is the most important step in communication and serves as a guide for both the person and the institution he/she works with. The purpose of giving is to play a key role in a person's development. The feedback that the person receives from his/her experiences is very important for his/her development. Correctly given feedback leads to a proportional increase in the performance and motivation of the person.
Feedback is a kind of personal development tool. The formats are very important. It is healthier for feedback to be detail-oriented and descriptive. People have certain blind spots. Although we try to minimize the blind spots by self-criticism, we are applying the method of sweeping under the carpet. The blind spot cannot be observed by the person himself, but it can be easily noticed by a different eye. Feedback does not play an important role in recognizing people's blind spots.
One of the most important points that Human Resources attaches importance to is performance management. Employee happiness is an important step for organizational success. The most sensitive point of performance management is feedback. Performance management is a sensitive issue as much as it is important. It is an important factor for both the company and the individual to manage the necessary processes with the right steps by ensuring sensitivity between the managers and employees and giving feedback. It increases the loyalty of the person to the company and provides a safe environment. The person does not have any difficulties in expressing himself, and in line with the feedback he receives, it causes both an increase in internal loyalty and a great increase in productivity. The person is not afraid of making mistakes, and it is seen that there is an increase in teamwork in terms of cooperation.
Feedback is a kind of win-win method between the company and the employee. It encourages the person to think logically and learning from the current situation is a big factor in his development. It should be kept in mind that insufficient feedback does more harm than good and can have long-term negative consequences for the employee to the company. Effective feedback is an essential part of good communication, and when used correctly, success is inevitable.